Codosaurus 🦖

How can we evolve you today?

Speaking: Likely

Likely engagements in the next couple years or so, mainly because I was chosen already but I had to decline for that year, had to withdraw from selection for some reason but found out the talk was going to be selected, or the conference was canceled or postponed, or various other such reasons, include:

Conference   Where   Topic(s)
Code.Talks   Hamburg, Germany   Mutants
DevConf South Africa   various, South Africa   Genetic Algos
DevDays Europe   Vilnius, Lithuania   Mutants
Devoxx Belgium   Antwerp, Belgium   Mutants and maybe Genetic Algos
Devoxx Morocco   Marrakech, Morocco   Mutants
Devoxx Poland   Krakow, Poland   ACRUMEN
I T.A.K.E.   Bucharest, Romania   ACRUMEN
JS Day Canarias   Tenerife, Spain   Mutants
RubyConf Africa   Nairobi, Kenya   ACRUMEN
Voxxed Days Brussels   Brussels, Belgium   Mutants
WeAreDevelopers World Congress   Berlin, Germany   Mutants